Jan 20, 2022 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots, Interview
Kees Zoeteman Bastiaan Baan (1949) has been working as a priest in the Christian Community since 1981 and since 2012 also as a teacher at the theological schools of the Christian Community in Germany and the USA. Since the age of 18, he has been practicing the methods...
Aug 17, 2021 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots, Interview
Kees Zoeteman Lisette Buisman-Walbeek (1951) has been a priest with the Christian Community since 2005. We meet on July 28, 2021 in the Raphael Church in Zeist, the Netherlands, after she has led a Wednesday morning service. Busily gesticulating as always. But when...
Jan 25, 2021 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots
Kees Zoeteman Dieter Hammer read about project-Apocalypse on this website and then sent me a message whether I also knew the work of Charles Kovacs. This is exactly what I had initially hoped for: to share our insights about the Apocalypse with each other. Not knowing...