Kees Zoeteman While participating in the Goetheanum World Conference from September 27 to October 1, 2023 in Dornach, Switzerland, I started to look for elements of the Apocalypse in the building of the Goetheanum. The goal of this conference was summarized by Pim...
Context and roots
Book Imagining Apocalyptic Visions now on sale
21 Sep, 23 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots, News
Kees Zoeteman Spring 2023, an exhibition of sculptures by Kees Zoeteman on the Apocalypse was held in Rotterdam. On that occasion, an exhibition booklet was published. This booklet, "Imagining Apocalyptic Visions" is now on sale from the publisher Nearchus C.V....
The New Jerusalem and the treasure built by Charles IV of Bohemia in Karlštejn
14 Nov, 22 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots, News
Kees Zoeteman and Astrid van Zon In the heart of Europe, on a hilltop near Prague, we find Karlštejn Castle. Its great tower pierces high in the sky, harboring a secret. We went in search of that secret, because it is said to be the only place on earth where an...
I’m not afraid of the devil; conversation with priest Bastiaan Baan about conscience and living with phrases from the Apocalypse
20 Jan, 22 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots, Interview
Kees Zoeteman Bastiaan Baan (1949) has been working as a priest in the Christian Community since 1981 and since 2012 also as a teacher at the theological schools of the Christian Community in Germany and the USA. Since the age of 18, he has been practicing the methods...
Development of the self
16 Jan, 22 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots
Kees Zoeteman and Astrid van Zon The self, the ‘I’ of man plays a central role in the Apocalypse. By 'I' we mean our self-awareness, the authority in ourselves from which we make judgments and choices. By "I am" we refer to the unique person we are ourselves and which...
Time shall be no more
15 Jan, 22 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots
Kees Zoeteman and Astrid van Zon About halfway through the Apocalypse, at text fragment 29 (Rev. 10: 1-11), we meet the imposing angel, -with a rainbow around his head and his face like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire-, standing with one foot on the sea and...
On sealing and seals in the Apocalypse
14 Jan, 22 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots
Kees Zoeteman Seals play an important role in the Apocalypse. One manifestation of this is that the epoch that follows the current Post-Atlantean epoch is called the Seal epoch. In our daily lives, we know seals as stamp impressions in beeswax or sealing varnish. They...
Who is the John who wrote the Apocalypse?
13 Jan, 22 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots
Kees Zoeteman and Astrid van Zon On this website we have already paid some attention to John, the writer of the Apocalypse ( We know that he was one of the twelve apostles, was imprisoned on Patmos, became very old and ended...
What is Igor Mitoraj hiding in his sculpture?
4 Dec, 21 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots
Kees Zoeteman The exhibition Façade by Igor Mitoraj at the Dutch Museum ‘Beelden aan Zee’ in The Hague (June 19, 2021-6 February 2022) made an overwhelming impression on me. Igor Motoraj, Ikaro alato (2000) and Ikaria (1987), bronze; Museum Beelden aan Zee (photo Kees...
The essence of the Apocalypse is that you can learn to unfold yourself; in conversation with Dutch priest Lisette Buisman
17 Aug, 21 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots, Interview
Kees Zoeteman Lisette Buisman-Walbeek (1951) has been a priest with the Christian Community since 2005. We meet on July 28, 2021 in the Raphael Church in Zeist, the Netherlands, after she has led a Wednesday morning service. Busily gesticulating as always. But when...
The Grail Mystery and the Seven Liberal Arts by Frans Lutters
5 Jun, 21 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots
Book Review Kees Zoeteman Over the past thirty years Frans Lutters, teacher at a Rudolf Steiner school in the Netherlands, has spoken frequently on the mysteries of the sevenfold nature of man and creation. He explained how the sevenfoldness also has played a role in...
Finding the text corresponding with a fragment number; overview
9 May, 21 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots
If you download the indicated file, you will get an overview of all 56 text fragments in order to grasp the interconnectedness among the text fragments: Apocalypse-overview-fragments-1-56-2Download
A delightful book of Charles Kovacs: ‘Betrachtungen zur Apokalypse’
25 Jan, 21 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots
Kees Zoeteman Dieter Hammer read about project-Apocalypse on this website and then sent me a message whether I also knew the work of Charles Kovacs. This is exactly what I had initially hoped for: to share our insights about the Apocalypse with each other. Not knowing...
Elaine Pagels wrote: The Strangest Book of the Bible, Visions and Predictions and Politics in Revelation
27 Dec, 20 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots, News
Kees Zoeteman If you read the cover of this book (Viking Penguin, 2012) by the American Elaine Pagels, your first impression is to get in touch with the latest truth about the Apocalypse. John wrote his book according to a Dutch newspaper commentary ‘as a devastating...
Friedrich Benesch’s book Apocalypse: Die Verwandlung der Erde, Eine Okkulte Mineralogie (The Transformation of the Earth, An Occult Minerology).
4 Dec, 20 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots
Kees Zoeteman The book by Friedrich Benesch (1907-1991) about the Apocalypse (Stuttgart: Urachhaus, 1981) was already almost forty years old when I got my hands on it in a shop for second-hand books in Zeist, The Netherlands. The special thing about it is that it...
Kalki in Hinduism and the promise of the rider on the white horse
8 Nov, 20 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots, News
Kees Zoeteman This blog is the result of a collaboration with Jaap Sijmons who made suggestions for the theme and commented on draft versions of it. Anyone who has had the opportunity to visit the 14th century tapestry of the Apocalypse at the Castle of Angers in...
Can the Hindu time-cycles be reconciled with those of the Apocalypse?
2 Oct, 20 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots
Kees Zoeteman There are similarities between apocalyptic concepts and Egyptian mysticism ( Hèléna Blavatsky (Isis unveiled, Mysteries of Antiquity and...
Margaret Barker’s ‘The Revelation of Jesus Christ’
14 Aug, 20 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots
Kees Zoeteman Anyone who wants an overview of a modern Christian theological interpretation of the Apocalypse will find many interesting propositions in Margaret Barker’s The Revelation of Jesus Christ, published by T&T Clark ( in 2000. Barker is...
Better understanding the Apocalypse by looking at its Egyptian roots
15 Jul, 20 | Apocalypse in discussion, Blog, Context and roots
May 3, 2020 | Jana Loose and Kees Zoeteman (published on 1 May 2020 in Dutch magazine Motief of the Anthroposophical Society in the Netherlands, issue 242, p 10-13) The last book of the Bible, the Apocalypse, is seen as the most mysterious and incomprehensible. We can...